Isabel-Nicole D.. on

inspirational: books, magazines, people, and stores

  • The Fashion Designer's Directory of Shape and Style: Over 500 Mix-and-Match Elements for Creative Clothing Design by Simon Travers-Spencer and Zarida Zaman
  • The Fashion Designer Survival Guide, Revised and Expanded Edition: Start and Run Your Own Fashion Business by Mary Gehlhar
  • Cassandra Rae Martell, 18 year old designer!
  • Kira Plastinina, 15 year old designer!
  • the Chicks with Sticks series by Elizibeth Lenhard
  • Indie Girl by: Arne Johnson & Karen Macklin

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Singing in the Rain

i love the rain. i love the thunder and the lightning that comes with it. days like these inspire me! i had this vision for the vest im going to make. it'll be my first project:) the only thing stopping me is school. i feel as though im in a rut. wake up, go to school, get stressed i might be late, end up not being late, go to some place to buy food, pick up my brother, go home, do homework, and sleep late because i constantly stare at my closet thinking "yeah, that skirt would look really cute with that top..." or "oh my gosh, if i cut that short and add a few iron-ons..."

well, tomorrow my mom is taking me to get my head shots for the acting managment company so i could renew my contract:)COME FIND ME HOLLYWOOD. im super excited, but im freaking out thinking of what color shirt just pops and makes me look like.... you know when u cant stop looking in the mirror cause theres something different going on with your look and you love it? that. im also buying some supplies for my first few projects tomorrow. im hoping to find something really unique and inspiring. then ill go hang out with some friends:) posting pictures soon!

having a unique life might be crazy, but you learn to love it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Starring.... ME:)

my first post/journal entry:) i'm isabel. acting is my dream and fashion is my life. i know a lot of people can say that, but not many can mean it. i'm an ordinary person like you. i've got a family and i've got too many friends to count. the only difference is i have a huge dream and i party way more than you probably do:D follow me on my adventure through 500 days of designs, drama, and the stuff i have going on (like the stresses of school, my hopeful acting career, and not to mention boys..ugh).